How To Compile A Library C++ Mac Rating: 9,9/10 1051 votes
  1. How To Compile C++ Linux
  2. How To Compile A Library C++ Macbook Pro
  3. How To Compile C++ In Terminal

Apr 29, 2007  Not all C code is cross-platform and compilers are obviously written by different development groups (Visual C by Microsoft, Intel writes their own, and gcc is the open source compiler used on OS X) obviously do not use the same commands or syntax. With C, you really need to target your code to the platform (either POSIX or Win32, etc.). It's a tutorial on C programming for Windows. I would think the compiler you use would depend on the platform. The GNU compiler collection is used heavily on Linux, though I don't know enough to recommend it vs. Some other solution. I don't know what you'd use on OSX or whether there's a compiler that would give good results across platforms.

The Intel® C++ Compiler provides optimizations that help your applications to run faster Intel® 64 architectures, with support for the latest C and C++ language standards (including C++17). This compiler produces optimized code that can run significantly faster by taking advantage of the ever-increasing core count and vector register width in Intel® Xeon® processors and compatible processors. The Intel® Compiler will help you boost application performance through superior optimizations and Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) vectorization, integration with Intel® Performance Libraries, and by leveraging the latest OpenMP* 5.0 parallel programming model.

Start using the compiler from the command line or within Xcode*.

The Intel C++ Compiler is available as part of the following suites:

In this case, 'clang' is the driver that causes the Clang compiler to expect C code and link against the C standard library. The args array specifies the command-line arguments that will be passed to clang. These arguments must be specified in the order expected by the compiler. Oct 10, 2017  Working with C libraries on a Mac can be a pain and OpenSSL, a very popular one that’s used in many other libraries, led me scrambling around. Oct 07, 2019  One of C's main features is the compiler. This is used to compile and run C code. A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular programming language like C and turns them into machine language or 'code' that a computer's processor uses.

DYLDFALLBACKLIBRARYPATH will not produce these problems. When installing libraries to a non-standard location, DYLDFALLBACKLIBRARYPATH is much more sane. This will look for symbols in libraries provided in the default paths and if the symbol is not found there, fall back to the specified path. Hi Paul, You were right - I still did not set the path correctly (see below). Can you tell me how to set the DYLDFALLBACKLIBRARYPATH? Many thanks!!! Dyld_fallback_library_path mac caffeinated. And you can find the DYLDFALLBACKLIBRARYPATH value from a.log and b.log then you can try to run them manually by setting the DYLDFALLBACKLIBRARYPATH and we can hopefully understand what is. In shell scripts used for unit testing with dynamic libraries in a directory other than the typical @rpath, I have previously been able to set DYLDFALLBACKLIBRARYPATH to set the directory containing the libraries. Under 10.11.1, bash seems to ignore attempts to set this environment variable. How to install Caffe on Mac OS X 10.11. Deep learning is a hot topic these days and it is greatly increased by the fact that AMD/nVidia video cards can be used for accelerating the training of very complex neural networks. In the meantime, some powerful frameworks have been developed by the community.

Before You Begin

Before you can use this tool, you must first set the environment variables by sourcing the environment script using the initialization utility to initialize all the tools in one step:

Dec 16, 2019  Intel® C Compiler 19.1 Developer Guide and Reference. The Developer Guide and Reference contains information on: How to use the command line or Xcode. Support for the latest compiler technologies and architectures. Compiler reference material, including options, program structures, class and math libraries, and much more. Compile library in Mac I am looking for a developer who can build CxImage on Mac, and provide all binary files (like.lib in windows) for both debug and release in Mac Skills: C Programming, Mac OS, Objective C, Software Architecture, Windows Desktop.

From a terminal session, run:

Linuxsource <install_dir>/bin/ intel64

where <install_dir> is the directory structure containing the compiler /bin directory.

By default, the path for <install_dir> is opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.<update number>.<packages number>/mac

Option 1: Use the Command Line

Use the commands below to invoke the compiler from the command line.

  • For C source files: icc helloworld.c
  • For C++ source files: icpc

Option 2: Use Xcode*

Follow the steps below to invoke the compiler from within Xcode*.


You must first create or choose an existing Xcode* project. These instructions assume you are using an existing project.
  1. Select the target you want to change and select Build Rules
  2. Add a new rule by selecting + or using Editor > Add Build Rule
  3. Under Process, select C source files or C++ source files
  4. Under Using, select ICC Intel® C++ Compiler 19.1
  5. Select the target to be built in the project editor under Targets
  6. Select Product > Build

Next Steps

  • Use the latest Compiler Code Samples and follow along with the Intel® C++ Compiler Tutorials.
  • Explore the Intel® C++ Compiler 19.1 Developer Guide and Reference on the Intel® Developer Zone.

Find More: Intel® C++ Compiler


The Developer Guide and Reference contains information on:

  • How to use the command line or Xcode*
  • Support for the latest compiler technologies and architectures.
  • Compiler reference material, including options, program structures, class and math libraries, and much more

Information on product installation, new and changed features, and issues that are not described in the product documentation.

This link takes you an archive of Intel® C++ Compiler release notes on the Intel® Developer Zone.

Intel® C++ Compiler TutorialsFind the latest code samples and product support. Learn specific compiler optimizations, features, tools, and programming concepts.

Software product documentation on the Intel® Developer Zone.

Other Help

You can access general help for compiler options after setting up the environment by entering at the command line.

Find More: Intel® Product Suites


Online Training

The online training sites are an excellent resource for training on using the compiler in conjunction with your product suite.

Release Notes

Information on the product installation, new and changed features, and issues that are not described in the product documentation.

These links take you to the Intel® Developer Zone.

Code Samples and Tutorials

In a terminal execute: sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-dev python-smbus gitgit clone AdafruitPythonGPIOsudo python install.On Mac OSX, first install PIP by and execute it with python in a terminal, then install the. Then in a terminal execute: git clone AdafruitPythonGPIOsudo python install.On Windows, first install the, then install PIP by and execute it with python in a terminal, and finally install the. However if you do need to manually install do so by running these commands:.On a Debian-based Linux like Raspbian, Ubuntu, etc. Adafruit Python GPIO LibraryLibrary to provide a cross-platform GPIO interface on the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black using the and libraries.The library is currently in an early stage, but you can see how its used in the to write Python code that is easily portable between the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black.Note that you typically don't need to install this library directly as other libraries will depend on it in their setup and automatically install it. How to install the gpio python library on mac.

  • Intel® System Studio:

Code samples and corresponding tutorials. Learn specific compiler optimizations, features, tools, and programming concepts.

This document supplement contains information specific to Intel® System Studio.

Notices and Disclaimers

Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Atom, Intel Core, Intel Xeon Phi, VTune and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

© Intel Corporation.

This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and your use of them is governed by the express license under which they were provided to you (License). Unless the License provides otherwise, you may not use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this software or the related documents without Intel's prior written permission.

This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express or implied warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the License.

For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.

This is how we compile otclient on Mac OS X, we use XQuartz to compile and run otclient, which is an X11 implementation for Mac OS, we do not use the native Cocoa API. This means that users will need XQuartz installed too to run the client. You will need to know the basics of how using the terminal in Mac OS to follow this tutorial.


  • Mac OS X 10.6 or higher
  • Command Line Tools for Xcode (install them inside the XCode menu)

You should install all those requirements first, in order, I will not cover how to install them in this tutorial.

Installing needed libraries

We use brew to install most of the required libraries by using the following commands:

How To Compile C++ Linux

Cloning and compiling

How To Compile A Library C++ Macbook Pro

You may need to change the included directory of your installed version of OpenSSL. Check your installed version with brew info openssl. If it is not version 1.0.2.n, change the version in the cmake command below.

Now you can run, the otclient output binary should be in the same directory.

How To Compile C++ In Terminal

Clone this wiki locally