C Gui Library Mac Rating: 9,5/10 2481 votes

Ui: platform-native GUI library for Go. This is a library that aims to provide simple GUI software development in Go. It is based on my libui, a simple cross-platform library that does the same thing, but written in C. It runs on/requires. The library has a C interface, but the underlying implementation varies: Objective-C for Mac OS X, C for Windows, and C for Linux. Radarsat1 on May 20, 2016 Actually SWT was one of the most pleasant experiences I've had coding GUI stuff. A tiny cross-platform webview library for C/C/Golang to build modern cross-platform GUIs. Also, there are Rust bindings, Python bindings, Nim bindings, Haskell, C# bindings and Java bindings available. The goal of the project is to create a common HTML5 UI. Apr 23, 2017  First, it is possible, but why would you want to spend years reinventing the wheel when there are so many perfectly great wheels out there. You need to learn a lot about graphic controllers, drivers, and so much more. Problem 1: Each graphics card. GUI Toolkits. Edit page on GitHub. This page contains a list with a couple of known toolkits for Graphical User Interfaces that you can use in your Mono software. If you need help to know which one is the best for your project, please have a look at Choosing a GUI Toolkit. Gtk# Banshee, a GTK# app. Jul 26, 2015  Creating your own GUI library in C/C. I wanted to make a GUI based program in C but i found everything too simple,non-standard C or i just didn't like it.I am also bored and need some huge project to work on.But thing is that i can't understand how GUI libraries work,i surfed on net and found nothing.Can anyone explain me. Imgui alternatives and similar libraries Based on the 'GUI' category. PublicDomain libui. 9.2 9.1 imgui VS libui Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports. Mac OS X, Linux and other platforms with a.

Automating the User Interface

Unfortunately, not every Mac app has scripting support, and those that do may not always have scripting support for every task you want to automate. You can often work around such limitations, however, by writing a user interface script, commonly called a UI or GUI script. A user interface script simulates user interaction, such as mouse clicks and keystrokes, allowing the script to select menu items, push buttons, enter text into text fields, and more.

Enabling User Interface Scripting

C gui library machine

User interface scripting relies upon the OS X accessibility frameworks that provide alternative methods of querying and controlling the interfaces of apps and the system. By default, accessibility control of apps is disabled. How to show library in users mac. For security and privacy reasons, the user must manually enable it on an app-by-app (including script apps) basis.

  1. Launch System Preferences and click Security & Privacy.

  2. Click Accessibility.

  3. Choose an app and click Open.

When running an app that requires accessibility control for the first time, the system prompts you to enable it. See Figure 37-1.

Attempting to run an app that has not been given permission to use accessibility features results in an error. See Figure 37-2.


To run a user interface script in Script Editor, you must enable accessibility for Script Editor.

Admin credentials are required to perform enable user interface scripting.

Targeting an App

User interface scripting terminology is found in the Processes Suite of the System Events scripting dictionary. This suite includes terminology for interacting with most types of user interface elements, including windows, buttons, checkboxes, menus, radio buttons, text fields, and more. In System Events, the process class represents a running app. Listing 37-1 shows how to target an app using this class.


Listing 37-1AppleScript: Targeting an app for user interface scripting

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  1. tell application 'System Events'
  2. tell process 'Safari'
  3. -- Perform user interface scripting tasks
  4. end tell
  5. end tell

To control the user interface of an app, you must first inspect the app and determine its element hierarchy. This can be done by querying the app. For example, Listing 37-2 asks Safari for a list of menus in the menu bar.


Listing 37-2AppleScript: Querying an app for user interface element information
  1. tell application 'System Events'
  2. tell process 'Safari'
  3. name of every menu of menu bar 1
  4. end tell
  5. end tell
  6. --> Result: {'Apple', 'Safari', 'File', 'Edit', 'View', 'History', 'Bookmarks', 'Develop', 'Window', 'Help'}

Accessibility Inspector (Figure 37-3) makes it even easier to identify user interface element information. This app is included with Xcode. To use it, open Xcode and select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Accessibility Inspector.

Once you know how an element fits into an interface, you target it within that hierarchy. For example, button X of window Y of process Z.

Clicking a Button

Use the click command to click a button. Listing 37-3 clicks a button in the Safari toolbar to toggle the sidebar between open and closed.


Listing 37-3AppleScript: Clicking a button
  1. tell application 'System Events'
  2. tell process 'Safari'
  3. tell toolbar of window 1
  4. click (first button where its accessibility description = 'Sidebar')
  5. end tell
  6. end tell
  7. end tell
  8. --> Result: {button 1 of toolbar 1 of window 'AppleScript: Graphic User Interface (GUI) Scripting' of application process 'Safari' of application 'System Events'}

Choosing a Menu Item

Menu items can have a fairly deep hierarchy within the interface of an app. A menu item generally resides within a menu, which resides within a menu bar. In scripting, they must be addressed as such. Listing 37-4 selects the Pin Tab menu item in the Window menu of Safari.

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Listing 37-4AppleScript: Choosing a menu item
  1. tell application 'System Events'
  2. tell process 'Safari'
  3. set frontmost to true
  4. click menu item 'Pin Tab' of menu 'Window' of menu bar 1
  5. end tell
  6. end tell
  7. --> Result: menu item 'Pin Tab' of menu 'Window' of menu bar item 'Window' of menu bar 1 of application process 'Safari' of application 'System Events'


Scripting the user interface of an app can be tedious and repetitious. To streamline the process, consider creating handlers to perform common functions. For example, Listing 37-5 shows a handler that can be used to choose any menu item of any menu in any running app.


Listing 37-5AppleScript: A handler that chooses a menu item
  1. on chooseMenuItem(theAppName, theMenuName, theMenuItemName)
  2. try
  3. -- Bring the target app to the front
  4. tell application theAppName
  5. activate
  6. end tell
  7. -- Target the app
  8. tell application 'System Events'
  9. tell process theAppName
  10. -- Target the menu bar
  11. tell menu bar 1
  12. -- Target the menu by name
  13. tell menu bar item theMenuName
  14. tell menu theMenuName
  15. -- Click the menu item
  16. click menu item theMenuItemName
  17. end tell
  18. end tell
  19. end tell
  20. end tell
  21. end tell
  22. return true
  23. on error
  24. return false
  25. end try
  26. end chooseMenuItem

Listing 37-6 calls the handler in Listing 37-5 to select the Pin Tab menu item in the Window menu of Safari.


Listing 37-6AppleScript: Calling a handler to choose a menu item

Choosing a Submenu Item

Some menus contain other menus. In these cases, it may be necessary to select a menu item in a submenu of a menu. Listing 37-7 demonstrates how this would be done by selecting a submenu item in Safari.


Listing 37-7AppleScript: Selecting a submenu item
  1. tell application 'System Events'
  2. tell process 'Safari'
  3. set frontmost to true
  4. click menu item 'Email This Page' of menu of menu item 'Share' of menu 'File' of menu bar 1
  5. end tell
  6. end tell
  7. --> Result: {menu item 'Email This Page' of menu 'Share' of menu item 'Share' of menu 'File' of menu bar item 'File' of menu bar 1 of application process 'Safari' of application 'System Events'}

Copyright © 2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Updated: 2016-06-13

This is a list of Library packages implementing a graphical user interface (GUI) platform-independent GUI library (PIGUI). These can be used to develop software that can be ported to multiple computing platforms with no change to its source code.

In C, C++[edit]

Chromium Embedded FrameworkCEF Project PageLinux, macOS, Microsoft WindowsFree: BSD
CEGUICEGUI teamLinux, macOS, Microsoft WindowsFree: MIT
Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL)Enlightenment.orgX11, Wayland, Microsoft Windows, macOS, DirectFB, TizenFree: BSD, LGPL, GPL
Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK)Bill Spitzak, et al.X11, Microsoft Windows, macOSFree: LGPL
formerly GIMPToolkit
GNOME FoundationLinux (X11, Wayland), Microsoft Windows, macOS, HTML5Free: LGPL
IUPTecgraf, PUC-RioX11, Microsoft WindowsFree: MIT
JUCERoli Ltd.X11, Linux[clarification needed], macOS, iOS, Android, Microsoft WindowsMixed: GPL, proprietary
LiveCodeLiveCode, Ltd.X11, macOS, Microsoft WindowsProprietary
MKS Toolkit for Enterprise Developers
formerly NuTCRACKER
DataFocus, Inc.Microsoft Windows from X11 code[clarification needed]Proprietary
NanaJinhaoLinux, Microsoft WindowsFree: Boost
QtQt ProjectLinux (X11, Wayland), OS/2, macOS, iOS, Android, Microsoft WindowsMixed: LGPL, GPL, or proprietary
Ultimate++Ultimate++X11, PocketPC, WindowsCE, Microsoft WindowsFree: BSD-like
formerly wxWindows
wxWidgets teamX11, Wayland, OpenLook,[clarification needed]macOS, iOS, Microsoft Windows, OS/2Free: wxWindows

C Gui Library Machines

In other languages[edit]

NameOwnerProgramming LanguagePlatformsLicense
SwingOracle CorporationJavaWindows, Linux X11, macOSFree: CDDL, GPL with linking exception
JavaFXOracle CorporationJavaWindows, Linux X11, macOS, Android, iOSFree: CDDL, GPL with linking exception
SWTEclipse FoundationJavaWindows (Win32), Linux (GTK+), macOS (Cocoa)Free: Eclipse
Apache PivotApache Software FoundationJavaWindows, macOS, LinuxFree: Apache
XojoXojo, Inc.XojoWindows, macOS, Linux (X11), iOS, webProprietary
Tcl/TkOpen sourceTclWindows, OS/2, X11, OpenLook,[clarification needed] Mac, AndroidFree: BSD-style
LCL, LazarusOpen sourceFree PascalWindows (Win32, Qt), Linux (GTK+, Qt), macOS (Qt, Carbon, Cocoa)Free: GPL, LGPL
Delphi, FireMonkeyEmbarcadero TechnologiesObject PascalWindows, macOS, iOS, AndroidProprietary
VisualWorksCincomSmalltalkWindows, OS/2, Linux (X11), OpenLook,[clarification needed] MacProprietary
PharoPharo communitySmalltalkWindows, Linux (X11), macOSFree: MIT, part Apache 2.0
Mono, GTK#XamarinC#Windows, Linux (X11, Wayland), macOSFree: MIT, LGPLv2, GPLv2 (dual license)
KivyKivyPythonLinux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOSFree: MIT
WxPythonPythonLinux, Windows, macOSFree: wxWindows
UnityUnity TechnologiesC#, JavaScript, BooWindows, X11, macOS, Android, iOS
also features cross-platform Web player
Proprietary, based on open-source
Apache Flex
Formerly Adobe Flex
Apache Software FoundationActionScript, Flash, Adobe AIRWindows (x86, x64), macOS, Android (ARM, x86), iOS, Web (SWF)Free: Apache
FlutterGoogleC, C++, DartAndroid, iOS (experimental: Web, Linux, Windows, macOS)Free: New BSD License
Uno PlatformnventiveC#, XAML, WASMWindows, iOS, Android, Web (WebAssembly), experimental macOS)Free: Apache

Requires verification, may be unsupported[edit]

C++ Gui Library Free

for C++, Smalltalk

No longer available or supported[edit]

AppWareNovellHas been de-emphasized (commonly viewed as dropped) by Novell
Zinc Application FrameworkProfessional Software AssociatesMay still be supported, but no new sales
Open InterfaceNeuron DataOne of the earliest PIGUI supported DOS, macOS, OS/2, VMS, Microsoft Windows 3.0

See also[edit]

C Gui Library Machine


Further reading[edit]

  • Richard Chimera, Evaluation of Platform Independent User Interface Builders, March 1993, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory University of Maryland
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